Alysia Corbett

Alysia Corbett

CrossFit Coach / Personal Trainer


CrossFit L1

12 years CrossFit experience

About Coach

My CrossFit journey started back in 2013, as a 33 year old single mom and teacher. While raising two young kids, completing a Master’s degree program, and working full time, I needed some stress management - in addition to getting back into shape. I walked into a local CrossFit affiliate in Texas, and have never turned to any other workout program since. Two years later I met my husband, and introduced him to CrossFit - since then, you can often find us working out together weekly! When I’m not in the gym, I’m helping care for our small family farm; where we lovingly raise 50ish colorful free-range chickens for eggs, a couple highland cows, horses, dogs and barn cats. I’m also a professional photographer, usually with my hands in sports/team photos, senior sessions and headshots.

Turning Point

Motivation & Passion

Besides the obvious health benefits (which I LOVE to talk about when coaching people new to CrossFit,) I’m motivated by my three children. I did CrossFit into the 8th month of my last pregnancy (at 37 years old), and it was so beneficial! Now in my 40’s, I’m running around seamlessly with all three of my very active kiddos! Plus, it doesn’t hurt that because of CrossFit, I don’t struggle with farm chores! I became a coach in order to help others work towards their fitness goals - by showing how incorporating CrossFit into one’s lifestyle, can truly be life changing!

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